On The Kyle and Jackie O Show on KIIS FM, comedian Andy Lee recently discussed his wedding plans with his fiancé, Rebecca Harding. He claimed they are busy repairing their ancient mansion in Melbourne, so they do not intend to be married anytime soon.
They haven’t really gone into great depth about their wedding plans since this project has consumed most of their time and effort. Andy laughed, saying they change their minds constantly between planning a modest, intimate ceremony and a large reception.
Andy also clarified the reason he took his time proposing. Originally believing weddings were a waste of money, he was not too eager to get married. But he changed his mind over time and noticed how their friendship improved.
Having been together for ten years, the pair got engaged on May 1. Andy suggested originally, referencing their initial meeting by using a napkin. When he first encountered Rebecca in a café where she served, he had scribbled his email address on a napkin.
Since 2014, Andy and Rebecca have been together and have had many unforgettable times. Their public life constraints and hectic schedules notwithstanding, they have had a close and loving connection.
Though for now they are focused on completing their house renovation and appreciating their involvement; fans are eagerly waiting to know when they will eventually tie the knot.