Though their youngest kid, Jayden, just turned eighteen, Britney Spears will still be paying child support to her ex-husband, Kevin Federline.
In California, child support typically ends at age 18; if the child is still in high school, payments last until they graduate or turn 19. Jayden is still in high school, hence Britney will make payments until November when he graduates.
Two sons of Britney and Kevin are Jayden James and Sean Preston. Jayden recently turned 18; Sean is already 19. Until Jayden finishes his education, Britney’s money will assist in meeting his needs.
Britney has shown her sons her love. She posts pictures and recollections of them on social media quite regularly. Britney wants to be close to her boys despite their difficult relationship.
Kevin Federline, who looks for the boys mostly, will keep getting support payments. This arrangement guarantees Jayden has what he needs to complete his studies.
Over this period, Britney’s supporters have showered her a lot of affection. Future serenity and pleasure should be found by her and her sons.