Lead vocalist of Foo Fighters Dave Grohl lately came clean about cheating on his wife, Jordyn Blum. He also came clean about having a child from this romance. Given Dave’s reputation as a family man, this announcement shocked many supporters.
Dave put his confession on social media. He claimed to be loving his wife and kids and to be doing all he can to rebuild their trust. He also promised to raise his new daughter well.
Dave said he chose to come forward as he thought someone else would break the news. He wanted to acknowledge his mistakes and take accountability for his behaviour.
Reactions among fans have varied. While some are let down and feel deceived, others value his candour. Dave’s admission has spurred a lot of internet discussion as supporters provide their opinions and emotions on the matter.
Dave wants to mend his ties with his family and go ahead despite the disagreement. As they negotiate this trying period, he begs for privacy and understanding.