The actor who portrayed Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films, Rupert Grint, recently posted a heartfelt ode to Maggie Smith, his co-star. Maggie was eighty-nine years old when she passed away, portraying Professor McGonagall.
Rupert shared a photo from “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” during the Yuletide celebration. Ron and his students are being taught how to dance by Professor McGonagall in this scene. “Heartbroken to hear about Maggie,” Rupert wrote. She was hilarious and friendly all the time. I consider myself fortunate to have performed with her, and particularly fortunate to have danced together.
Maggie Smith was beloved for her kind and resilient nature. Rupert’s homage reminded fans of the unique friendship between the actors and brought back a lot of memories.
Maggie Smith will always be cherished for the joy she offered to so many people and for her incredible job.