Prince Harry accompanied Jimmy Fallon through a spooky maze in a lighthearted “The Tonight Show” episode. Set constructed at Rockefeller Center in New York City, the labyrinth was known as “Jimmy Fallon’s Tonightmares.”
Harry and Fallon both were anxious when they arrived. Though the maze has surprises, they alternated in leading the path. Screaming and laughing, scary characters kept coming forth.
One humorous moment was when they came upon a panda. Harry disputed when Fallon quipped that he was afraid of pandas as he fled. Another incident occurred when a zombie-like werewolf startled them both. Fallon said that truly got him.
Harry and Fallon kept laughing and kidding through the labyrinth. They even politely said ” Nice to see you,” greeting a man with a hatchet. More yells and giggles after the experience revealed a playful side of both Harry and Fallon.
This program lets viewers watch Prince Harry having fun with Fallon in a haunted scene. That evening on “The Tonight Show was unforgettable.”